Congratulations to Annalicia Skeete

Annalicia SkeeteCongratulations to graduating Social Work student, Annalicia Skeete, whose capstone social work research project, “Childhood Sexual Abuse and its Effects on a Woman's Intimate Relations", was accepted for presentation at the Association of Caribbean Social Work Educators (ACSWE) 12th Biennial Conference in Grenada, July 6-10, 2015. Annalicia's research investigated the effects of childhood sexual abuse on women’s intimate relations in Barbados. She interviewed several women who were survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Several themes emerged from these interviews including survivors engaging in unhealthy sexual behaviours, compulsive behaviours and experiencing cognitive factors that interfere with sexual relationships.


The ACSWE Conference is the largest academic conference for social workers in the Caribbean region and Annalicia’s efforts are remarkable given that most presenters at the Conference are masters and Ph.D. level academics and clinicians. Annalicia’s research was supervised by faculty members Roberta Springer-Proverbs and Jomo Phillips. Annalicia is the second Social Work student from the College whose excellent research has been recognised and has been accepted for presentation at the ACSWE Conference.

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