Invites Applications For The Following Internationally Recognised Professional Part-Time Courses Offered For The Period Monday 10th February Until Thursday 18th May 2025
Brief Outline of Course
Target Group
Bar Operations
This course will introduce participants to mixology and the techniques used in the service of beverages. Bar operations with emphasis on management and operational controls will be examined.
Bartenders Waiters Community
5:00 - 8:00 pm
Front Office Reception and Sales Procedures |
This course introduces the participants to the fundamental elements of Front Office and Sales. Property Management Systems will be examined.
Hotel Front Office Receptionists Sales Staff Workers
Wednesdays 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Basic Professional Housekeeping
This course outlines the functions of the housekeeping department in various organizations and the skills necessary for proficiency in line housekeeping duties.
Room Attendants Villa Attendants General Public
5:00 - 8:00 pm
International Cuisine
This course will focus on the various foods and cookery styles of many nations.
Pre-requisite: Basic Trade Cookery
Chefs Cooks Those with an avid interest in global Culinary Arts
Wednesdays 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Basic Trade
This course is designed to introduce the participant to the basic principles of food preparation and presentation with special reference to the correct use of tools, equipment and food commodities. Sound sanitation practices and safety procedures will also be examined.
Aspiring Cooks & Chefs from Hotels, Hospitals, Restaurants, Villas and the Community.
Saturdays 9:00am – 12:00 noon
Baking Technology II
This course is designed to introduce the participants to advanced techniques in baking. Continental specialties suitable for fine dining and commercial outlets will be examined.
Pre-requisite: Baking Technology I
Pastry Chefs General Cooks
5:00 – 8:00pm
Application Forms and additional information are available from the Barbados Community College, Jean & Norma Holder Hospitality Institute (Hotel PomMarine), Marine Gardens, Hastings, Christ Church or via our website: Forms must be returned no later than 03 FEBRUARY 2025. Please see link for form attached below. For further information, please call 246-228-0900.
NB: JNHHI is a purpose-built campus with all necessary facilities for a real-world experience. All classrooms are Wheelchair Accessible. Interested applicants should be prepared with relevant computer devices in the event that online instruction has to be instituted during this time.