Explore the list of courses offered by the Division of Computer Studies.
Computer Concepts
The course aims to give students a basic knowledge of the components and functions of a computer system, and an awareness of information technology and its implications in every day life and the society in general. Students will be able to explain how the various hardware components and software interact for the computer system to function; and describe the benefits and applications of data communication and the Internet technologies.
Mathematics 1
This course is designed to introduce mathematical skills beyond CXC/GCE-O'Level and to reinforce prerequisite skills. Topics to be covered include Number systems, surds, complex numbers, Arithmetic and Geometric progressions, Binomial Theorem, and Matrices, among others.
The emphasis of the course will be on understanding the concepts involved and applying methods appropriately.
Principles of Database Management
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of a database management system (DBMS). Students will learn how to create a database, tables, forms, reports, labels and queries. They will also learn how to link tables and index records. Students will be exposed to relational database concepts such as relations, data validation, data integrity and normalization.
Object Oriented Programming & Design
This course is designed to provide a general understanding of the object-oriented paradigm using an object oriented programming language. Topics include objects, classes, inheritance, overloading and polymorphism. Object oriented program design will also be addressed.
Database Management Systems
This course is designed to introduce students to the concepts and principles of database management systems. Students will become familiar with a database management system and a database application development tool(s). The student will understand current issues in the development of database technologies and applications. The student will then be able to integrate these concepts into a coherent body of knowledge. Topics to be covered include Database Models, Entity-Relationship Models, Normalization, Distributed Database Design, Client Server database and Structured Query Language.
This course is an introductory course to descriptive inferential statistics. Participants will learn how to calculate mean, mode, median; measure dispersion for grouped and ungrouped data; define and calculate probabilities; analyze the normal curve; take sample, state and explain a hypothesis and draw inferences based on such statistics.
Systems Analysis & Design
This course is designed to cover the main principles of systems analysis and design. It requires the study of information systems, with special attention being paid to the methods by which a problem is analyzed, to lead to a successful solution as well as the design principles involved. It also includes practical work in which an appropriate system, or subsystem may be produced. A variety of case studies are used to highlight the various aspects of systems analysis and design.
Systems Analysis & Database Design
This course is designed to cover the main principles of systems analysis and design. It requires the study of information systems, with special attention being paid to the methods by which a problem is analyzed, to lead to a successful solution as well as the design principles involved. The student is allowed the opportunity to design a solution to a problem, by the use of a project.
Accounting Applications I
This course is designed to provide the Student with an understanding of the basic accounting principles and concepts, and a sound foundation in accounting methods, which will enable him/her to progress to computerized accounting. It is also designed to provide the Student with, an understanding of the major features of a computerized accounting package, and to enable them to utilize these features to maintain the accounts of any economic entity from start-up through the production of annual financial statements.
The computerized accounting package chosen is QuickBooks Premier 2013
Accounting Applications II
This course is designed to provide the Student with, a further understanding of the basic accounting principles and concepts, and a sound foundation in accounting methods. The course also introduces students to the use of a microcomputer and current application software to introduce the accounting, arithmetic, and analytical capabilities of the electronic spreadsheet. Spreadsheet construction, arithmetic and logical operations, formulas and functions will be done. Printing, graphics capabilities and data management will also be done.
Presentations Using Productivity Tools for the Digital Age
This course seeks to assist students in using productivity software to develop or enhance presentation and public speaking skills for the digital age. The course explores the communication process and prepares students for effective communication, including the preparation and presentation of speeches and business documents. Students learn to use a word processor and its interconnectivity with a presentation tool to extend their competence in delivering highly effective and successful presentations
Algorithm & Programming Concepts (Java)
This course is designed to provide a general introduction to problem solving, structured algorithm design and an introduction to programming using Java as the structured High Level Language. The problem solving component focuses on the analysis of problems. The structured algorithm design component focuses on techniques used to represent an algorithm design, testing the correctness of algorithms by the use of trace tables, or desk checking. The main areas covered in the introduction to programming are data types, input/output operations, control structures and modules and arrays.
Program Implementation (Java)
This course is designed to provide a general understanding of the writing of a program, with an emphasis on the correctness of techniques for program writing. Topics include: low-level and high-level programming languages, generations of programming languages, manipulation of data, use of control structures, creation of programs and documentation of programs.
Computer Communications
This course is designed to expose students to the concepts of communication and networking as well as to the basic structure of a computer system. It also exposes students to the functions of the computer
Intro Spreadsheet & Database Design
This course introduces students to spreadsheet management techniques, including creating, modifying, and performing operations on a spreadsheet. Students will be introduced to aspects such as functions, charting and working with macros.
It also introduces students to the fundamentals of a database management system (DBMS). Students will learn how to create a database, tables, forms, reports, labels and queries. They will also learn how to link tables and index records. Students will be exposed to relational database concepts such as relations, data validation and data integrity
Operating Systems
This course is designed to provide a general understanding of an operating system and the services it offers to computer users. Students will develop operational expertise with at least one widely used commercial operating system. Students should also be able to describe in general terms the need for, the use of and the operation of particular pieces of system software and packages.
Introduction to Web Page Design
This course is design to teach web page design from the ground up, providing every skill necessary to create great web sites. Coverage includes: Using most HTML tag and attribute, working with images, setting up and manipulating tables, using frames, building and processing forms, incorporating scripts and applets, adding multimedia to pages, dynamic HTML, controlling your page’s presentation with cascading style sheets JavaScript, Choosing Web authoring tools, Linking your page around the web, Understanding business and design issues and publishing your site.
Networking Fundamentals
This course is designed to provide an understanding of the basic concepts of computer networks using the ISO-OSI reference model. This course will introduce some of the common communications protocols and standards that are presently in use. This course will cover topics such as LANs, WANs, Physical Media, Data Transmission, Network Design, Network Operating Systems and Networking Applications.
The course also looks at the history of networks, basic electronic concepts and terms, serial vs. parallel communications, network management and security and future directions in the industry.
Students will be introduced to network management and troubleshooting.
Network Administration
This course is designed to introduce students to knowledge and skills which would enable them to operate networks efficiently and manage them effectively. It introduces students to topics of network management such as passwords and access control mechanisms, as well as security of network.
Hardware Fundamentals
This course gives the student a general introduction to the hardware of a microcomputer. The architectural design of microprocessors, memory chips, motherboard capability, secondary storage and other peripherals will be considered during the course. This course will bring students, through ‘hands on’ experience, to a level of competence where they can perform problem localization and diagnosis on an IBM compatible computer.
Intro to E Business
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the study and evaluation of e-business organizations, methods and technologies, and their development, implementation and impact on individuals, groups and organizations.
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the development of fully functional database driven Web sites using the WAMP paradigm—Windows OS, Apache webserver, MySQL database engine and the PHP server-side scripting language. Emphasis will be placed on the applicability of theoretical components related to each tool, its installation and configuration, basic maintenance and troubleshooting, as well as key security requirements.
Visual Basic
This course aims to introduce students to the design techniques of an event driven programming language, while reinforcing the basic and advance concepts of programming, problem solving and programming logic. The course focuses on human computer interaction and usability features in designing user interfaces when creating visual basic projects.
Programming for Mobile Applications
This course is designed to provide an introduction to mobile application development using the Android Operating System. Topics include: an overview of the features of the Android Operating System, working with the Android Standard Development Kit (SDK) to create mobile applications and publishing applications to the Android Marketplace.
Major Project
This course is designed to integrate all the skills, which have been imparted to the participant in the areas of Systems Analysis, application software packages and English communication. Participants will be required to develop a workable system, incorporating all the phases of the project life cycle.
It is also expected that a verbal presentation of the total system will be made so that individuals will have the opportunity to explain actions taken and the results obtained from the project.
Apprenticeship at Business House
This course is designed to give students practical experience ion the business world. The student will be attached to a business establishment for the duration of the semester to get “on the job” training in microcomputer applications in business.
The student will be expected to report for work for 4 days each week, during regular working hours.
The student will be under the direct supervision of a member of the management staff of the firm to which he/she is attached. At the end of the attachment, the student will be required to submit a written report and make an oral presentation of the assignment. The supervisor will also submit a report of the student’s performance